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Policy Priorities

I've listened and talked with a lot of you. Thank you. And I'll keep doing it and doing it. Here is a brief summary of policies most important to me and, I believe, to us.

My position on many of these is different than that of my opponent, Craig Staats. He has been our Representative for the last 10 years. Links to his actions and votes are included below.

My top priority is keeping our elections orderly and peaceful, with no violence. If we have questions, we go to court, make the case with evidence and sworn testimony, and honor the outcome.

I prioritize orderly peaceful elections because it is a real concern. My opponent was one of the ones who tried to overturn the 2020 election. (See Staats Record/Elections)

  • I support voter ID requirements designed to serve all legal voters.
  • I support processing and counting our ballots responsibly so that we get election outcomes on election night.
  • I support expanding in-person voting opportunities and improving our mail-in ballot process. These will relieve voting day pressures.
  • I support zero-tolerance for voter or poll worker intimidation at our polls.
In all things, to the fullest extent possible, I want us to be free to be ourselves, to live our lives as we choose.
  • I believe women in Pennsylvania should continue to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions and access the care they need, including contraception. I will work hard to protect this freedom. (See Staats Record/Abortion)
  • In Pennsylvania, our current marijuana policy is outdated and a missed opportunity for tax revenue. I support the responsible legalization of recreational marijuana. (See Staats Record/Marijuana)
School Funding
Education policy touches every family in the commonwealth. Parents care about their children’s education and the cost of college. Property owners care about school taxes. School districts are one of our biggest employers. School quality drives local property value. The state budget includes over $1 billion dollars for education. (See Staats Record/Education)
  • I will work for responsible school funding that takes good care of students, teachers and taxpayers.
  • I support solid funding for traditional public schools. Charter and cyber-charter schools are needed options for some students. I support their fair funding.
  • I will work hard for policies that hold ALL schools receiving taxpayer support to the same high standards for reporting, student performance, and transparency.
My priorities for the environment begin with upgrading our electrical grid--it is the backbone of our modern society. The grid is not ready for the high demands of AI, data centers, more air conditioning, electric cars, and all kinds of new electricity sources big and small. Clean energy plans rely on the grid. State government has a limited role in grid planning and operations, but I believe there is opportunity and responsibility for state government to establish expectations and incentivize investment. It is to everyone's benefit to make our grid more reliable, weather proof, cyber secure, and expansive. Good for the environment and good jobs. (See Staats Record/Environment)
  • I support policies that require appliances and electronics be repairable. Again, good for the environment and jobs.
  • I support funding the Department of Environmental Protection sufficiently to enforce regulations we already have for safe water, air, and climate.
  • I am interested in weeding out taxpayer subsides for oil and gas companies buried in our tax code. Not picking on anyone, just the opposite, treating everyone fair.


I support the dignity of all workers and their families. I'll work hard to assure safe working conditions, opportunity for training and advancement, fair pay and benefits. I believe we all deserve a fair shake, and when we get it, our communities and businesses do better too.

Civility, it's okay to be nice!
Democracy is all about having different ideas and opinions. That's the whole reason we have elections! It's okay to talk and listen to someone who sees things differently. I am not afraid or shy away from ideas different than my own. I'm genuinely interested. I'd like to add my voice to others in Harrisburg who are this way too. I'll reach out to others in a heartbeat, to learn more about why they see things the way they do. I like to help build bridges, find new common ground, and work our way together from there.

Paid for by Vera Cole for PA
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