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Policy Priorities

I've listened and talked with a lot of you. Thank you. And I'll keep doing it and doing it. Seems we're in pretty clear agreement--

We want our personal freedoms. We want to keep society safe and orderly for our families, communities, and businesses. We want government to get results on things that matter. 
I will safeguard our elections, keeping them free and fair, where every vote counts, outcomes are respected, and everyone in government remembers that they work for us. We get to decide who holds office. I will defend the constitution and work to support law and order. This is in strong contrast to my opponent. Craig Staats attempted to overturn the 2020 election and is proud (his word) to be aligned with the right-wing extremists CPAC, a group proposing to overthrow the government and end democracy. There is no gray area here. The choices are clear. 

I'll stand up for our freedom. Starting with a woman's freedom to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions, in private without political interference. And to have access to the healthcare she chooses. And for continued access to contraception. In all things, to the fullest extent possible, I want us to be free to be ourselves, to live our lives as we choose. My opponent voted for a constitutional ban on a woman's right to an abortion.  

Right Priorities
I will use power of government for what matters – jobs with good wages and decent hours, affordable healthcare and prescriptions, housing, fair taxes, good schools and childcare. I will not waste my time and your tax dollars on conjured up side shows meant to distract and divide us. 
Common Sense 
I will work across the aisle to deliver common sense results on problems where we’ve been stuck – like school funding that's fair, good for students, and takes pressure off property tax payers. I will work hard to protect our water and air and for immediate and practical action on climate change. There are straight forward things we can do now to make a difference, if we can only put people ahead of special interests. (Like Shapiro, I like to get "stuff" done!) 

Paid for by Vera Cole for PA
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