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Who Does That?

Maybe you saw the excellent article in this morning’s Intelligencer (2/25/24), “Proposal could save Bucks Schools $16 Million.” It didn’t mention that our representative Craig Staats voted against it. Hello? Against saving county schools $16 million? The savings come from fixing the way school districts are charged for students going to cyber charter schools. Legislation passed the house easily, with bipartisan support. It’s a good common sense bill, check it out, HB1422. I would’ve certainly voted for it. Yet our current representative did not, snubbing financial benefits to Quakertown, Pennridge, Palisades, and Souderton school districts and residents. What the heck? Craig Staats has been in office for ten years. It is time for change. I will not take your votes for granted and I will not cater to special interests. I will vote for what is good for us, all of us. - Vera

Paid for by Vera Cole for PA
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