314 Action Endorses Vera Cole for Pennsylvania State House of Representatives
Vera Cole, candidate for the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives, District 145, is honored to announce the endorsement of 314 Action, an organization that supports electing scientists who will use evidence and facts to fight climate change and fix our broken healthcare system.
Vera Cole has an extensive background in science as an engineer and an educator. She has degrees in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and a PhD in Information Science. She was lead faculty for Energy and Sustainability Policy degrees at Penn State and president of the non-profit grassroots Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association.
In appreciation of this recognition Cole says, "Engineering teaches us to use the scientific method: question, say what we think to be true, test it, respect and share the results, rinse and repeat! In other words, we are taught to seek truth, keep open minds, share what we learn, learn from others, and do it over and over again. It's how we advance together with goodwill, in science and in democracy."
Visit 314 Action.
(Photo from 2016 solar installation workshop, taught by Vera Cole and Bill Hennessy.)